氏名 |
河村 英和 |
氏名(カナ) |
カワムラ エワ |
氏名(英語) |
kawamura ewa |
所属 |
大学 観光コミュニティ学部 観光デザ |
職名 |
教授 |
researchmap研究者コード |
researchmap機関 |
Lo sguardo dei turisti dall'alto. L'attrazione turistica delle vedute panoramiche italiane fra Ottocento e Novecento: campanili, torri, grattacieli e terrazze del belvedere (見下ろす視線の観光客-19世紀から20世紀にかけてのイタリアのパノラマスポット:鐘楼、塔、高層ビル、展望テラス), in AA.VV., La città globale. La condizione urbana come fenomeno pervasivoa a cura di Marco Pretelli, Rosa Tamborrino e Ines Tolic (B: Città aperte / città chiuse. Istituzioni, politiche, competizione, diritti)
Aisu International, Torino, pp. 158-172
PP. 158-172. Tourists’ interest in viewing a panorama from above has increased over time, in step with technological inventions and at times inspired by patriotic sentiment. Typical sites are located on top of columns, large statues, bell towers, towers, skyscrapers and panoramic terraces. Some of them have a very long queue in front of the entrance, reflecting overtourism. We will look at some Italian cases, particularly the changes and the trends related to panoramic views.